
Gifted Education: Fostering Creativity

CTY Greece Day Conference

Gifted Education: Fostering Creativity
Saturday 13th April 2019
Museum of Byzantine Culture, “Stephanos Dragoumis” amphitheater, 2 Stratou Avenue, Thessaloniki

Keynote speaker:
Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D.

Julian C. Stanley Endowed Professor of Talent Development, Johns Hopkins University

Jonathan Plucker is the Julian C. Stanley Endowed Professor of Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University, where he works in the Center for Talented Youth and School of Education. His research examines creativity and intelligence, education policy, and talent development, with over 200 publications to his credit. His speech will focus on Creativity.
Creativity is a highly valued 21st century skill, but what do we know about how to foster it in children? Is it the same in both children and adults? What does the latest research tell us about how to help create cultures of creativity? How can we even define it? We will explore these and other questions through a series of anecdotes and hands-on activities that illustrate and model key creativity-producing instructional strategies. An emphasis will be placed on understanding the nature of creativity and how it manifests itself in the lives of adults, with application of that information to how children learn, both in and outside of school. The latest research and thinking on creativity and innovation will be emphasized throughout the talk.

Discussion will follow.

Dr Plucker's speech will be in English.


Registration is free.

RSVP is required as seats are limited.


There will be a certificate of participation sent out to all attending participants.

Dr Plucker's Short Bio

Jonathan Plucker is the Julian C. Stanley Endowed Professor of Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University, where he works in the Center for Talented Youth and School of Education. His research examines creativity and intelligence, education policy, and talent development, with over 200 publications to his credit. Recent books include From Giftedness to Gifted Education with Anne Rinn and Matt Makel and Creativity and Innovation. Prof. Plucker is the recipient of the 2012 Arnheim Award for Outstanding Achievement from the American Psychological Association and 2013 Distinguished Scholar Award from the National Association for Gifted Children. He is president-elect of NAGC.


10:00 Arrival
10:30 Welcoming Remarks by Hosts / Greetings
10:45 Keynote Speech
11:45 Discussion
12:30 Closing Remarks and Thanks
12:40 Break
13:00 Workshop on Creativity
14:00 Closing

Μoderator: Dr Haido Samaras, Academic Dean, Center for Talented Youth / CTY Greece 


For educators only, Creativity Through the Magic of Constraints Workshop by Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D.

Constraints are often viewed as the enemy of creativity, but research suggests that constraints may be helpful to the creative process. Using a hands-on activity, we will explore the relationship between constraints and creativity and discuss specific ways to use these principles when working with students.